
Showing posts from February, 2012

A Man, a “single” status, and mind.

“What bests in man’s life is having a woman who want through all the happy and sad moments to live life together” That’s phrase was continued running in my mind, and remembered one song from 311 and taylor swift “Two is better than one”. Sometimes i frustrated about being single in my age, sometimes I feel jealousy when look at two happy couple whom enjoy their relationship and never worry about anything. Yes of course it because of my worries, I worried too much about having relationship, I could saying that I’m kind a conservative person in what I belief in one relationship. So what I think that kind a man like me thought about having relationship? First I think relationship is one of most serious thing in people’s life, it’s about you trust someone to get in to yourlife and knowing all of bad and good side about your self. I’m kind a man who won’t let haphazard people to get in my life and know that much about my self, It’s quite hard to place trust on someone, right? It’s too

The Film "Dolphin Tale"

Here’s another insp iring film. D olphin Tale, when I write this I was still freezing and some of my mind got real peaceful feeling. Peace, that’s one word which can describe this film, you know what I mean because I got the peace after watched this film. This film tell us about stories of Boy who turn on something that he really loved to, as always people said that love is not just about men and women. It can be with many things, just like in this film love between a men and animal. What make this film more awesome caused this film based on true story, story of struggled of men to helps this dolphin back to swim with her tail. Well, I think I start to making confuse, I will start to tell the story. Sawyer was an introvert and type of ki d s wh o had easil y to bullied in his school. It makes him bad when his cousin Kyle decided to go to military school and left him. Slawyer’s like lost his excitement of life, he’s oftenly late for school, not doing his homework, and abandoned of