The Film "Dolphin Tale"

Here’s another inspiring film. Dolphin Tale, when I write this I was still freezing and some of my mind got real peaceful feeling. Peace, that’s one word which can describe this film, you know what I mean because I got the peace after watched this film. This film tell us about stories of Boy who turn on something that he really loved to, as always people said that love is not just about men and women. It can be with many things, just like in this film love between a men and animal. What make this film more awesome caused this film based on true story, story of struggled of men to helps this dolphin back to swim with her tail. Well, I think I start to making confuse, I will start to tell the story.

Sawyer was an introvert and type of kids who had easily to bullied in his school. It makes him bad when his cousin Kyle decided to go to military school and left him. Slawyer’s like lost his excitement of life, he’s oftenly late for school, not doing his homework, and abandoned of his school life. Here’s the turning point, when he rode bike for school he met untangles a hurt dolphin that is caught in a crab trap, he tried to help the dolphin until the officer from Marine hospital come, and bring the dolphin to the hospital. Slawyer helped to take care of this dolphin as he and the Dolphin named winter have undescribeable emotional attraction each other. One day comes news that surprising which Winter’s tail has to be taken off to save her life, cause of some infection. And it goes, the tail being cut off, Winter’s being kind a defective dolphin with no tail. It comes hope when winter start to swim with moves her back bones side to side, but normally dolphin swim with moves up and down. This kind of swim colud be damage Winter body more so she has to stop. The more trouble when the marine hospital have to closed because there’s no person who want to give fund to run the hospital.

Another inspirational story comes from Kyle, Sawyer’s cousin whom got to military school. Some accident made him to stop his school and further made him can’t do his normally life, his body was attacked and caused some critically damage so he can’t move some parts of his body. Sawyer meet him at the hospital, first he don’t wan to meet because of depression, but not taking too long until he changed his mind. Kyle’s story is also have a deep meaningful part of this film, in fact of his defective body part, he shows and inspire people not to surrender of weakness and don’t let our hurt body make us broken. At this hospital Sawyer meets Dr.McCurthy, he is specialist of making prosthetic (fake) bones to human. Dr.McCurthy whom played by Morgan Freeman, as always he become a good – wise man, he helped much in order to fix all the problem.

Dr.McCurth helped Sawyer and all marine hospital officer to help Winter, with make her brand new prosthetic tail. Yet, it cannot be as easy as people think, they made the tail like three times until the tails really fits to Winter. And problem with hospital’s fund is being closed with social acts which designed by Sawyer and Hazel which had titled “Save-Winter’s-Day”.

What makes film good? Yeah because it affected our life, and I’m pretty sure there are many people who had influenced because of this film. Many lessons that we could learnt. This is film was created for everyone and everypeople, for those who surrender of their life, for those who think they’re defective just cause they lost some of their body parts, for those who had perfection to realize that they have something to keep and they have to do something for those who don’t. this film teach us humanity and most of them this film teach us about love. Love and being loved. Never give up, brave to struggle and fight even you might lost at least we have did the bravest thing we can do. Trust me, peace come after watch this movie, you gotta said thank to God because give you perfection of body, and what the reason for us to quit our ambitions? There’s no reason. Just watch the movie till the end, I give it 5 stars out of 5 caused i have to admit it made me cry (a bit. I swear).


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